Roborock S8+

Roborock S8+
alaScore 95

5 обзоров

Мар, 2025

Сервисом alaTest было собрано и проанализировано 5 обзоров для Roborock S8+. Средняя оценка этого товара 4.5/5, в сравнении со средней оценкой 4.2/5 для других товарами в этой же категории. Мнения о размере и дизайне в общем положительные, размер и дизайн также получили хорошие комментарии.

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Обзор эксперта: : Michael Ansaldo (

Roborock S8+


Enhancements like dual rubber brushes and obstacle avoidance enable more efficient and complete cleaning.

Powerful suction ; Excellent navigation and obstacle avoidance ; Highly customizable maps

Mopping struggles to remove sticky gunk and stains ; Expensive

The Roborock S8+ is an efficient cleaner with loads of customization options. While its wet cleaning can’t compete with an old-fashioned stick mop, it’s does the the best job of the many mopping robot vacuums we’ve tested. Overall, it’s a superior...

Авг, 2023

Обзор эксперта: : Timothy Beck Werth (

Review: Is the new Roborock S8+ hybrid vacuum really worth $1,000?


In the battle of the robot vacuums, how does this new cleaning machine fare?

A sonic mopping pad that actually scrubs floors; powerful suction and edge-cleaning ; Extra-large dust bin can hold up to 60 days of dust and debris ; An intelligent room mapper with onboard LiDAR capabilities and obstacle recognition ; Incredibly easy...

The new S8+ from Roborock is an impressive hybrid vacuum that justifies its high price tag with 6000Pa suction and a mopping pad that really works. Although there are more affordable robot vacuums and mops with similar capabilities, the S8+ is a great...

Окт, 2023

Обзор эксперта: : Thomas Kern (

Roborock S8+ Review: Intelligent Vacuum Robot With a Small Flaw


Roborock presents the S-series with an innovative suction and wiping technology. Reason enough for NextPit to take a closer look at the new devices.

Fast, uncomplicated setup ; Sleek base station design ; Excellent navigation and mapping ; Detailed, user-friendly app ; Off-peak charging available ; Excellent suction performance ; Automatic power increase on carpets

Expensive for a vacuuming and mopping robot without a fully automated station ; No surveillance camera function

The Roborock S8+ is completely convincing in our real-life test, both in terms of suction and mopping performance. Even though the Roborock S8+ does not have a camera, the navigation via LiDAR & Co. works great. The Roborock app offers many setting...

Мар, 2023

Обзор эксперта: : Noel Christensen (

Test: Roborock S8+


Vi har testet den nye S8 fra Roborock, her i S8+ udgaven med automatisk tømmestation. Læs mere.

S8-serien har fået et pænt løft fra S7-serien, primært båret af den højere sugestyrke og de nye DuoRoller børster. I praksis mærker jeg dog ikke at den støvsuger væsentligt bedre end tidligere modeller, men DuoRoller børsterne har en bedre evne til at...

Окт, 2023

Обзор эксперта: : Thomas Kern (nextpit_de)

Roborock S8+ im Test: Intelligenter Saugroboter mit kleinem Makel | NextPit


Roborock präsentiert die S-Serie mit einer innovativen Saug- und Wischtechnologie. Grund genug für NextPit sich die neuen Geräte genauer anzuschauen.

Schnelle, unkomplizierte Einrichtung ; Schickes Design der Basisstation ; Hervorragende Navigation und Mapping ; Detaillierte, benutzerfreundliche App ; Laden außerhalb der Spitzenzeiten möglich ; Ausgezeichnete Saugleistung ; Automatische...

Recht hoher Preis für Saug- und Wischroboter ohne vollautomatisierter Station ; Keine Überwachungskamera-Funktion

Der Roborock S8+ weiß im Praxistest sowohl bei der Saug- als auch bei der Wischleistung vollkommen zu überzeugen. Auch wenn der Roborock S8+ keine Kamera hat, funktioniert die Navigation über LiDAR & Co. super. Die Roborock-App bietet viele...

Май, 2023

Сравнение цен на Roborock S8+

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