Q Acoustics 3020i

Сервисом alaTest было собрано и проанализировано 12 обзоров для Q Acoustics 3020i. Средняя оценка этого товара 4.4/5, в сравнении со средней оценкой 4.3/5 для других товарами в этой же категории. Мнения о размере и саундстейдже в общем положительные, размер и саундстейдж также получили хорошие отзывы. Качество средних частот и удобство использования получили негативные отзывы.

дизайна, звуке, саундстейдже, размере

удобстве использования, качестве средних частот

Мы проанализировали оценки экспертов и пользователей, дату выпуска продукта и другие факторы. По сравнению с другими товарами из категории товарами в этой же категории, Q Acoustics 3020i получил alaScore™ 93/100 = Отличное качество!

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Обзор эксперта: : Ced Yuen (trustedreviews.com)

Q Acoustics 3020i Review | Trusted Reviews


Q Acoustics 3020i review: if you're after some new stereo speakers and you've for £250 to spend, look no further. You'll struggle to find better value.

Remarkable precision ; Plenty of power ; Spacious, well organised soundstage ; Lovely build and finish

Deep cabinet can be difficult to accommodate

Окт, 2018

Обзор эксперта: : What Hi-Fi? (whathifi.com)

Q Acoustics 3020i review


Q Acoustics' 3020is build on the strength of their Award-winning predecessors.

Rich, warm sound ; Full bass and precise treble ; Sweeping dynamics

Deep cabinet

Deep in size, deep in sonic analysis, these standmounts will make great first speakers

Авг, 2021

Обзор эксперта: : Ty Pendlebury Steve Guttenberg (cnet.com)

Q Acoustics' diminutive 3020i speakers give a big, smooth sound


The Q Acoustics 3020i bookshelf speakers combine cutting-edge design with excellent sonics.

The affordable Q Acoustics 3020i give smooth, rich sound in a relatively compact design. The speakers are well built, look sweet and are available in a number of attractive finishes.

Despite simplified speaker connectors, the 3020is are not suited to wall-mounting. The Elac Debut B6.2 offer better performance for the same money.

The Q Acoustics 3020i bookshelf speakers combine cutting-edge design with excellent sonics and are suited to systems with tight space requirements.

Сен, 2018

Обзор эксперта: : Taps Das (hometheaterhifi.com)

Q Acoustics 3020i Bookshelf Speaker Review - HomeTheaterHifi.com


Hot off the heels of my review of the amazing Q Acoustics 3050i, Q Acoustics decided to send along a pair of their 3020i Bookshelf speaker for a run...

Beautiful fit and Finish ; Inexpensive ; Lightweight and small ; Ample bass weight, and open soundstage ; Can listen to these for hours on end

Everyone buying a pair.

Listen, these speakers retail for about $299 USD. At that price, you get your money’s worth and more. A beautifully finished speaker, wide-open soundstage and a great sonic character. It’s the kind of sound you would expect from a much more expensive...

Янв, 2019

Обзор эксперта: : Jonathan Takiff (techhive.com)

Q Acoustics 3020i bookshelf speaker review: A definite contender for best-in-class status


What's the opposite of sticker shock? It's hard to believe these speakers are this inexpensive.

Soundstage has an almost holographic quality ; Modest dimensions and attractive appearance ; Incredibly attractive pricing

Grill cloth impedes the sonic truth ; Chrome surrounds on the drivers are an acquired taste ; Deeper-than-average cabinets render them difficult to place on a bookshelf

To coax tight and accurate sound out of small boxes with extended bass response, Q Acoustics’ engineers built the 3020i with a 25-percent larger cabinet than was deployed in the earlier 3020 (without the “i”). The cabinets grew in depth especially—to...

Сен, 2018

Обзор эксперта: : John Hvidlykke (lbtechreviews.com)

Review: Q Acoustics 3020i | Engaged And Musical Q Acoustics 3020i


The Q Acoustics 3020i is reasonably priced and razor-sharp priced. But also well-sounding.

Engaging and musical reproduction. Low price.

Cheapfinish. The sound could be more detailed.

Q Acoustics 3020i is a charming little speaker that does not make much of itself, but which makes you want to listen to more music. The rendering is not over-detailed, but the context is fine. And at a price that is a third lower than the most...

Июн, 2021

Обзор эксперта: : John Hvidlykke (lydogbilde.no)

TEST: Q Acoustics 3020i – Engelsk musikalitet


Q Acoustics 3020i er gjennomfornuftige og sylskarpt prissatte. Men også vellydende.

Engasjerende og musikalsk gjengivelse. Lav pris.

Billig finish. Lyden kunne godt vært mer detaljert.

Июн, 2021

Обзор эксперта: : Dragan Pavlovic (digitallife.se)

Test: Q Acoustics 3020i


Fenomenalt hifi-ljud för prisklassen ; Välbyggda och snygga ; Lättdrivna ; Extremt prisvärda

Lite djupa – passar inte alla bokhyllor ; Saknar den djupaste basen

Q Acoustics 3020i är en renodlad hifi-högtalare – en av få lysande stjärnor bland stativhögtalare i budgetklassen.

Янв, 2019

Обзор эксперта: : John Alex Hvidlykke (lydogbillede.dk)

TEST: Q Acoustics 3020i – Engelsk musikalitet


Q Acoustics 3020i er gennemfornuftige og knivskarpt prissat. Men også vellydende.

Engagerende og musikalsk gengivelse. Lav pris.

Skrabet finish. Lyden kunne godt være mere detaljeret.

Июн, 2021

Обзор эксперта: (ljudochbild.se)

TEST: Q Acoustics 3020i – Engelsk kvalitet


Q Acoustics 3020i är väldigt vettiga och vasst prissatta. Men välljudande.

Engagerande och musikalisk återgivning. Lågt pris.

Skral finish. Ljudet hade kunnat vara mer detaljerat.

Q Acoustics 3020i är en charmig liten högtalare som inte gör mycket väsen av sig, men som gör att man blir sugen på att lyssna på musik. Återgivningen inte för detaljerad, men sammanhållningen är fin. Och eftersom priset är betydligt lägre än de...

Июн, 2021

Сравнение цен на Q Acoustics 3020i

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