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Сервисом alaTest было собрано и проанализировано 2 обзора для Pioneer S-IC631-LR Custom Series 6.5-Inch Circular In-Ceiling Speakers (Pair) (Discontinued by Manufacturer). Средняя оценка этого товара 4.5/5, в сравнении со средней оценкой 4.3/5 для других товарами в этой же категории. Людям нравится удобство использования Pioneer S-IC631-LR Custom Series 6.5-Inch Circular In-Ceiling Speakers (Pair) (Discontinued by Manufacturer).
удобстве использования
По мнению пользователей средняя оценка этого продукта: 90/100.
Обзор пользователя (
alaTest has collected and analyzed 2 user reviews of Pioneer S-IC631-LR Custom Series 6.5-Inch Circular In-Ceiling Speakers (Pair) (Discontinued by Manufacturer) from The average user rating for this product is 4.5/5, compared to an average user rating of 4.2/5 for other products in the same category on People are impressed by the usability. The price also gets good views.
price, usability
100% of the reviews on give this product a positive rating.
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