Mackie MR8

Mackie MR8
alaScore 89

24 обзоров

Мар, 2025

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Сервисом alaTest было собрано и проанализировано 24 обзора для Mackie MR8. Средняя оценка этого товара 4.2/5, в сравнении со средней оценкой 4.3/5 для других товарами в этой же категории. Отзывы о надёжности и дизайне в общем положительные, надёжность и дизайн также получили хорошие мнения.

дизайна, надёжности

Мы проанализировали оценки экспертов и пользователей, дату выпуска продукта и другие факторы. По сравнению с другими товарами из категории товарами в этой же категории, Mackie MR8 получил alaScore™ 89/100 = Очень хорошее качество!

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Обзор эксперта: : Denfert_en (

Mackie MR8 Monitors: The Test


Mackie has a long history with monitors. The original HR824 monitors, now in MKII version, are best sellers and standard fare in many studios, large or small.

Авг, 2008

Обзор эксперта: : Steve B. (

Mackie MR8 MK2 Reference Monitors


Back in 2008 Mackie, a well known professional audio product manufacturer, came to market with the MR5 and MR8 studio monitors. Previous to the MR series, Mackie's only other monitors on the market were the much more expensive HR series - a series well...

Cons ; Rear facing baffle will impose on sound reproduction quality in home settings where the monitors will probably be very close to a wall ; View the discussion comments powered by DISQUSback to top ; Start ; Prev ; 1 ; 2 ; 3 ; 4 ; 5 ; 6...

Rear facing baffle will impose on sound reproduction quality in home settings where the monitors will probably be very close to a wall ; View the discussion comments powered by DISQUSback to top ; Start ; Prev ; 1 ; 2 ; 3 ; 4 ; 5 ; 6 ; 7 ;...

With a bit of price hunting I was able to find the Mackie MR8mk2 monitors in Canada for around $263 CDN per monitor - an outstanding price for the performance of these monitors. As an interesting fact, the MSRP of the mk2 series is actually lower than...

Мар, 2011

Обзор эксперта: (

Mackie MR8 Active Studio Monitor


The Mackie MR8 Studio Monitor delivers truly professional quality and everything you need for critical monitoring—at a price that's unbelievably affordable.

Studio monitor with true Active design Precision Class A/B amplifiers with Active protection circuits: 100W for LF / 50W for HF HF and LF acoustic controls for room correction Balanced XLR, TRS and unbalanced RCA inputs Ultra-low distortion...

Обзор эксперта: : Jan Wilking (

Mackie MR824 im Test: Die perfekten Lautsprecher für's Schlafzimmerstudio


Zum äußerst günstigen Paarpreis von unter 500 Euro bieten die Mackie MR824 überzeugenden Klang und hochwertige Verarbeitung.

volles Klangbild, gute Räumlichkeit, pegelfest, praxisnahe Klangfilter, hochwertige Verarbeitung, schickes Design

Hochwertige Verarbeitung und guter Klang: Die günstigen MR824 sind eine echte Empfehlung für Homerecoder am Mac.

Июл, 2018

Обзор эксперта: : stompboxjon (

Mackie MR8mk2 : la opinión de stompboxjon


MR8mk2 vs KRK Rokit el 8

I was using these at my home studio which is in a bigger room without just a little bit of acoustic treatments. They instantly upgraded my whole sound. Right before I had these I was using a pair of Alesis monitors that I thought where pretty good...

Янв, 2013

Обзор эксперта: : Red Led (

Test des Mackie MR8 mk2


Il y a déjà trois ans de cela, nous avions testé les MR8 de Mackie, pendant accessible des fameuses HR824, et nous avions été plutôt convaincus... La sortie d'une version estampillée mk2 est donc l'occasion pour nous de voir et d'écouter ce qui a bien...

Авг, 2011

Обзор эксперта: : Denfert (

Test des MR8 de Mackie

Июл, 2008

Обзор пользователя (

User review Mackie MR8 by moosers on Audiofanzine


Overall, the Mackie MR8s are a really solid set of studio monitors.  While my use with the monitors is not extensive as I have only used these a limited number of times, in my time using them I hav...

Сен, 2009

Обзор пользователя (

Tres satisfait


Déjà très satisfait des ces enceintes, je m'attaque prochainement à un traitement acoustique plus précis du home studio (bien que déjà insonorisé murs, sol et plafond) pour optimiser les écoutes, c...

Апр, 2012

Обзор пользователя (

Avis Mackie MR8mk2 par MarcØditive sur Audiofanzine


-Un peu plus de 6 mois d'utilisation, rodage terminé. Des mix sympathiques réalisés, dans l'ensemble, pas mal. -Les +: puissance, clarté, qualité de fabrication. -Les-: Un côté son un peu flatteu...

Апр, 2012

Сравнение цен на Mackie MR8

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