Audio Physic Spark

Сервисом alaTest было собрано и проанализировано 8 обзоров для Audio Physic Spark. Средняя оценка этого товара 4.7/5, в сравнении со средней оценкой 4.3/5 для других товарами в этой же категории. Отзывы о надёжности и качестве средних частот как правило положительные, надёжность и качество средних частот также высоко оценены. Получены разные отзывы по поводу удобства использования и размера. Некоторые сомневаются на счет качества басов.

саундстейдже, качестве средних частот, надёжности

качестве басов

Мы проанализировали оценки экспертов и пользователей, дату выпуска продукта и другие факторы. По сравнению с другими товарами из категории товарами в этой же категории, Audio Physic Spark получил alaScore™ 94/100 = Отличное качество!

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(Основано на 8 обзорах)


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Обзор эксперта: : Lasse Svendsen (

Review: Audio Physic Spark | Compact And Accurate


The Audio Physic Spark has gone down in size and up in price, but it can do something special that few other speakers can do.

Very open and uncoloured midrange. Dynamic and controlled at the same time. Large soundstage with extremely linear reproduction.

You don't get much deep bass here. Very correct reproduction does not suit everyone's taste.

Spark hasn’t lost much in the transition from floorstanding to compact bookshelf speaker. None of the Spark versions have been kings of deep bass, but they have always delivered quality bass. The new version certainly does that, and it’s better at...

Апр, 2023

Обзор эксперта: : Lasse Svendsen (

Gnistrende high-end høyttaler


Audio Physic Spark har krympet og gått opp i pris, men kan noe helt spesielt som få andre høyttalere får til.

Мар, 2023

Обзор эксперта: (

Audio Physic Spark



Allesbr br br br br

Geenbr br br br br

Обзор пользователя (

Audio Physic Spark


I have had my Spark IIs (exactly the model pictured above) for over a year and enjoy them immensely. They are paired with a Plinius 2100i integrated amplifier and a Rega Apollo CD player (amongst other sources). I have found the Sparks to be...

Янв, 2010

Обзор пользователя (

Audio Physic Spark


This is a review for the new sparks. These speakers are a steal. Their imaging and soundstage is second to none. Sweet, extended highs and unrivalled midrange. They are relatively small for a floorstander, but the sound is just amazing: natural and...

Imaging and soundstageSmallish and non obtrusive sizeCurved cabinets seem to eliminate standing waves

Not biwireable and could go a little deeper. A small price to pay for the overall sound

Янв, 2006

Обзор пользователя (

Audio Physic Spark


I think for the price, this speaker is probably the best kept secret in the Audio Physic line. Althoug many people mentioned the drawback of the low bass extension, it's simply because people tend to compare it with it's sounstage, transparency and...

Construction in'Nout, nice build/looking cherry on mine.Detailed, accurate, transprent sound, of course it's superb 3D soundstage

matching(better with tube amps and warmer cables), <60Hz bass extension(then the price likely to be in a different league)

Июн, 2003

Обзор пользователя (

Audio Physic Spark


This is an excelent speaker that suits small to moderate rooms and with the addition of a subwoofer, even a large living room more than 400-500 sqare feet. The sub is almost mandatory for those who need extended bass performance,although the mid-bass...

Simply fantastic imaging and deep soundstage. In my listening room everything starts clearly beyond the imaginary speaker plane and extends really deep. In many recordings, especially in the audiophile ones, i also gain a spectacular width of the...

Low bass extension for some kinds of music and rooms, the small mid-bass driver restricts the speaker from playing loud. The latter is not a problem if the speaker is combined with a good sub. Also it is not wise to be used with components under the...

Фев, 2003

Обзор пользователя (

Audio Physic Spark


Very good imaging and treble clarity.I cannot find any sensitivity data though - will they be driven ok by 18 watt audionote valve monoblocs I ve just ordered?

as above

lack bass but thats is good for me at present

Сен, 2002

Сравнение цен на Audio Physic Spark

Для этого товара нет цен

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