Philips Senseo HD7842/01

Сервисом alaTest было собрано и проанализировано 167 обзоров для Philips Senseo HD7842/01. Средняя оценка этого товара 4.1/5, в сравнении со средней оценкой 4.0/5 для других товарами в этой же категории. Отзывы о производительности и размере в общем положительные, производительность и размер также высоко оценены. Есть некоторые менее положительные комментарии о качестве сборки и шуме.

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Zusammenfassung der Kundenbewertungen für Philips Senseo HD7842/01


alaTest hat 52 Kundenbewertungen für Philips Senseo HD7842/01 von zusammengefasst und analysiert. Im Durchschnitt wurde das Produkt mit 4.4/5 bewertet, verglichen mit einer durchschnittlichen Bewertung von 4.0/5 für andere Produkte auf Die Größe und die Bedienbarkeit wird von vielen Testern gelobt. Auch die Leistung hat sie beeindruckt.

Design, Leistung, Bedienbarkeit, Größe


92% der Kundenmeinungen auf bewerten dieses Produkt positiv.

Это резюме основано на товарах: Philips HD 7842/00 Kaffeeautomat Senseo aluPhilips HD 7842/00 Kaffeeautomat Senseo alu

Мар, 2025

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Résumé des avis d’ sur Philips Senseo HD7842/01


alaTest a collecté et analysé 10 avis de consommateurs sur pour le produit Philips Senseo HD7842/01. La note moyenne du produit est 4.3 sur 5, tandis que les autres produits de même catégorie ont une note moyenne de 4.1 sur 5 sur

90% des avis sur donnent une note favorable à ce produit.

Это резюме основано на товарах: Philips - HD7830/63 - Senseo Nouvelle Génération PrémiumPhilips - HD7830/63 - Senseo Nouvelle Génération Prémium

Мар, 2025

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The Senseo is a must-have if you like fresh coffee, cup by cup!


The Senseo is a must-have if you like fresh coffee, cup by cup!

Дек, 2009

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Nice hot frothy coffee, pods are a bit expensive.


Nice hot frothy coffee, pods are a bit expensive.

Янв, 2009

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This machine is so fun, you'll drink more coffee just to use it.


The machine is very easy to use. Probably the only tricky part is filling up the boiler, but the instructions are pretty good. You just have to have a large bowl or something like that, because the entire reservoir empties at once.

The machine is very easy to use. Probably the only tricky part is filling up the boiler, but the instructions are pretty good. You just have to have a large bowl or something like that, because the entire reservoir empties at once ; I find that the...

The machine is very easy to use. Probably the only tricky part is filling up the boiler, but the instructions are pretty good. You just have to have a large bowl or something like that, because the entire reservoir empties at once ; I find that the...

Дек, 2006

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A bargain for the casual coffee drinker but it's an expensive option for multiple cup-a-day drinkers.


The design is what caught my eye initially -very sleek and modern looking. My coffeemaker is black but I've seen white and stainless colors too. It's quick and easy to operate, super simple in fact. It brews in about a minute's time. The cups are a...

Modern, pleasing design. Quick and simple to operate. Convenient pod system is mess-free. Easy to clean

Serving size is very small. Coffee flavor could be better. Pods are fairly costly

Дек, 2006

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Fine as long as you realise its limitations and realise you get what you pay for.


OK. I am not yet a fully fledged coffee geek, I confess. Although I've been playing with a Gaggia Coffee Deluxe that I bought the other half as a birthday present, I'm still pretty much a novice, but since I quit smoking I'm really becoming more...

Clean. Easy to use - anyone can use it. Quick. Simple. Fuss-free. Passable coffee. Small footprint and light (I got mine from home to work in a carrier bag on the underground one morning)

Not great coffee. Very limited user controls. Plasticky. Stupid fake crema system

Сен, 2006

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Great price, great coffee- No Really It's True!


I was a Bunn man for decades, but bought a Juan Valdez machine, as it was "free" with the purchase of 6 boxes of pods. I was impressed with it, even though the pods were not great and the coffee was a bit weak.

Fresh coffee in less than a minute

machine can lock up for up to 24 hours

Окт, 2005

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Convenience is the only high point on this one.


Machine purchased at Costco for $65, which included two aluminum coffee pod cannisters. Nice touch, but the cannisters dont' seal well. This isn't really a problem since the coffee is definitely not fresh to begin with. The machine is easy to use with...

Tremendously easy to use. Quick cleanup. Overall design is very pleasing. Moderate space requirements on the counter. Fits under most cupboards when the top is closed

Works well only with Philips coffee pods. Philips coffee has little taste/body, and is quite bitter. Limited selection of coffee varieties (light, medium, dark, decaf). Relatively small water reservoir. Mysterious intermittent leak after 8 months that...

Окт, 2005

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It'll never make great coffee, but it may make better coffee than you think.


This is a guardedly more positive review than some here I've seen; I thought it was worth sharing my experiences in trying to beat the Senseo into making good coffee.

Very easy to use. Little mess

No good readily available coffee. Excessive pseudo-crema, which is not only unattractive but seems to actually detract from the flavor

Июл, 2005

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My coffee is great in the Senseo. It is very covenient to use at work, and most in the office are starting to bring in their own pods to use.


It is plastic...most electric coffee pots are.

Quick and easy. Small footprint on the counter. Very easy to use, but why bother with the small single pod portafilter gadget. I like a cup of coffee, not just 4 oz

It should come automatically with the larger tank. The folks that describe the Senseo pods tasting lousy are right

Июн, 2005

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Overall, this machine is definitely worth purchasing, not only because of its attractive design, but also beacuse it is so easy to use and saves time.


I was very impressed with this product at first use. A coworker brought this machine to use in our office and everyone that has used it since has commented on how easy it is to use and clean up. I actually bought one for my parents who are both usually...

Easy to use and clean; very quick; great texture to coffee; many pod options in various flavors and brands; one cup at a time so no waste

Pods that come with the machine are not the best I've ever had- made by Sara Lee, but far from the worst; no timer; brewing amounts available are not always convenient; slightly noisy for a few seconds

Янв, 2005

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