Epson Perfection V700

Epson Perfection V700
alaScore 91

183 обзоров

Мар, 2025

Сервисом alaTest было собрано и проанализировано 183 обзора для Epson Perfection V700. Средняя оценка этого товара 4.3/5, в сравнении со средней оценкой 4.0/5 для других товарами в этой же категории. Комментарии о дизайне и удобстве использования как правило положительные, дизайн и удобство использования также получили хорошие комментарии. Есть негативные мнения о размере. Были получены разные комментарии о надёжность.

удобстве использования, дизайна


Мы проанализировали оценки экспертов и пользователей, дату выпуска продукта и другие факторы. По сравнению с другими товарами из категории товарами в этой же категории, Epson Perfection V700 получил alaScore™ 91/100 = Отличное качество!

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Обзор пользователя ( review summary for Epson Perfection V700


alaTest has collected and analyzed 7 user reviews of Epson Perfection V700 from The average user rating for this product is 4.3/5, compared to an average user rating of 3.9/5 for other products in the same category on People really like the price. The usability also gets good feedback.

usability, price

100% of the reviews on give this product a positive rating.

Мар, 2025

Обзор пользователя (

Risultato recensioni per Epson Perfection V700


alaTest ha raccolto ed analizzato 5 recensioni utente su Epson Perfection V700 da La media della valutazione clienti per questo prodotto è 3.2/5, confrontata con la media della valutazione di 4.1/5 per altri prodotti su

60% di recensioni su attribuiscono a questo prodotto una valutazione positiva.

Это резюме основано на товарах: Perfection V700 Photo - A4 6400x9600dpi 48-bit Colour Flatbed Scanner with Digital ICE technologyPerfection V700 Photo - A4 6400x9600dpi 48-bit Colour Flatbed Scanner with Digital ICE technology

Мар, 2025

Обзор эксперта: : Lori Grunin (

main content


Epson Perfection V700 photo scanner

Speedy; full-featured hardware and software; FireWire and USB 2.0 connections.

No automatic document feeder option; large; a bit loud; driver has some annoying interface quirks; frequently pauses in midscan to warm up.

The Epson Perfection V700 Photo makes an excellent choice for a deep-pocketed photo hobbyist or a pro who needs to scan originals in a mixture of sizes.

Окт, 2006

Обзор эксперта: : M. David Stone (

Epson Perfection V700 Photo


Serious amateur photographers will love the Epson Perfection V700 for its top-quality scans of photos and film.

High-quality scans for photographic prints and film. Modes range from full auto to full control over settings.

Minimal optical character recognition (OCR) and document-management capability.

More scanner reviews: • HP ScanJet Pro 4500 fn1 Network Scanner• Epson Expression 12000XL Graphic Arts Scanner• IRIScan Book 5 WiFi• Epson Workforce ES-200 Portable Duplex Document Scanner• Epson Workforce ES-300W Portable Wireless Duplex Document...

Фев, 2006

Обзор эксперта: : Doug Harman (

Epson Perfection V700 Photo scanner


Over the last 2 years Epson has produced some exceptional scanners, the 4870 was a cracker, followed a year later by the 4990, which improved the package even further. In short they're great scanners for both flat reflective originals such as photo...

Excellent scan quality, excellent range of scan tools, software bundle, easy to use

Slow software install, big’n’blocky design, flimsy film holders

Epson has been pushing dedicated film scanner, scan quality for some years and now, with the V700 the results are certainly better than most dedicated film scanners. When you realise this scanner is under £400 (around £399 actually), and it is better...

Июл, 2006

Обзор эксперта: : MIKE PASINI (

Epson Perfection V700


We've been working with an Epson V700 in the bunker since July of last year, thanks to a quite generous loan from the company. Its distinctive dark gray and silver squared-off design takes up a corner of our large equipment table, connected to our main...

Our experience with the Epson Perfection V700 has been a happy one. It's fast. But it also delivers one of the highest quality captures we've seen in a flatbed. Sharp with good color.Our reservations start with the need for the height adjusters. We...

Июн, 2007

Обзор эксперта: (

EPSON V700 review


The V750 is EPSON's top of the range flatbed scanner designed specifically for the professional photographer and designer who needs high quality scans. As the V750 is supplied with identical film holders and other accessories to the V700, and has more...

Excellent scan quality, Full version of SilverFast Ai, , Price (£549), , :, Not a quantum leap improvement over the V700, Film holders are too flimsy for a pro scanner, ,

Not a quantum leap improvement over the V700, Film holders are too flimsy for a pro scanner, ,

Ноя, 2006

Обзор эксперта: (

Epson Perfection V700


Top-flight performance from a versatile film and flatbed scanner.Designed for quality-focused photographers, Epson's Perfection V700 Photo scanner looks different from previous models and sports several new features. The first A4 scanner with a dual...

1. With film scans, the V700 scans the entire platen in Preview mode.

Мар, 2006

Обзор эксперта: : admin (

Epson Perfection V700


Tidigare test av en större modell gjorde att vi hade höga förväntningar på V700. Imponerande nog gjorde den oss inte besvikna.

Utmärkt bildkvalitet ; Många bilder åt gången ; Kalibreringsprogram medföljer

Ingen förvaring av tillbehör ; Få snabbknappar

Апр, 2010

Обзор эксперта: : admin (

Epson Perfection V700


Tidligere test av en større modell gjorde at vi hadde høye forventninger til V700. Imponerende nok skuffet den ikke.

Utmerket bildekvalitet ; Mange bilder om gangen

Ingen oppbevaring ; av tilbehør ; Få hurtigknapper

Er man seriøst fotointeressert og kvaliteten er det viktigste, skal man definitivt koste på seg en V700.

Мар, 2009

Обзор эксперта: : admin (

Test av Epson Perfection V700


Tidigare test av en större modell gjorde att vi hade höga förväntningar på V700. Imponerande nog gjorde den oss inte besvikna.

Utmärkt bildkvalitet ; Många bilder åt gången ; Kalibreringsprogram medföljer

Ingen förvaring av tillbehör ; Få snabbknappar

Апр, 2010

Обзор эксперта: (

Epson Perfection V700


Dat zou goed kunnen, maar het is meer waarschijnlijk dat de Epson Perfection V700 (sterk) is verouderd. Dat kun je hieronder controleren bij de actualiteit van de score. Neemt niet weg dat je er waarschijnlijk verstandig aan doet om de ranglijst te...

Meegeleverde software ; Met infrarood

Correctie van de kleuren

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