Brother DCP-9020CDW

Сервисом alaTest было собрано и проанализировано 757 обзоров для Brother DCP-9020CDW. Средняя оценка этого товара 4.4/5, в сравнении со средней оценкой 4.0/5 для других товарами в этой же категории. Отзывы о надёжности и качестве печати как правило положительные, надёжность и качество печати также высоко оценены, но получены разные отзывы по поводу панели управления и шума.

удобстве использования, производительности, качестве печати, надёжности

Мы проанализировали оценки экспертов и пользователей, дату выпуска продукта и другие факторы. По сравнению с другими товарами из категории товарами в этой же категории, Brother DCP-9020CDW получил alaScore™ 87/100 = Очень хорошее качество!

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Обзор пользователя ( review summary for Brother DCP-9020CDW


alaTest has collected and analyzed 121 user reviews of Brother DCP-9020CDW from The average user rating for this product is 4.3/5, compared to an average user rating of 3.9/5 for other products in the same category on People are impressed by the size and reliability. The performance and price are also mentioned favorably, but there are some negative opinions about the control panel and design.

usability, price, performance, reliability, size

design, control panel

88% of the reviews on give this product a positive rating.

Мар, 2025

Обзор пользователя (

Zusammenfassung der Kundenbewertungen für Brother DCP-9020CDW


alaTest hat 70 Kundenbewertungen für Brother DCP-9020CDW von zusammengefasst und analysiert. Im Durchschnitt wurde das Produkt mit 4.6/5 bewertet, verglichen mit einer durchschnittlichen Bewertung von 4.0/5 für andere Produkte auf Die Zuverlässigkeit und die Größe wird von den Testern positiv bewertet, die Leistung wird ebenfalls positiv gesehen.

Bedienbarkeit, Leistung, Größe, Preisleistungsverhältnis, Zuverlässigkeit


97% der Kundenmeinungen auf bewerten dieses Produkt positiv.

Это резюме основано на товарах: Brother DCP-9020CDW Multifunktionsgerät (Drucker, Scanner, Kopierer, Bis zu 2.400 x 600 dpi, USB, LAN, WLAN, Duplex) anthrazit/grauBrother DCP-9020CDW Multifunktionsgerät (Drucker, Scanner, Kopierer, Bis zu 2.400 x 600 dpi, USB, LAN, WLAN, Duplex) anthrazit/grau

Мар, 2025

Обзор пользователя (

Risultato recensioni per Brother DCP-9020CDW


alaTest ha raccolto ed analizzato 21 recensioni utente su Brother DCP-9020CDW da La media della valutazione clienti per questo prodotto è 4.5/5, confrontata con la media della valutazione di 4.4/5 per altri prodotti su

100% di recensioni su attribuiscono a questo prodotto una valutazione positiva.

Это резюме основано на товарах: Brother DCP-9020CDW Stampante Laser, BiancoBrother DCP-9020CDW Stampante Laser, Bianco

Мар, 2025

Обзор пользователя (

Resumen de comentarios en sobre Brother DCP-9020CDW


alaTest ha recogido y analizado 52 comentarios de usuarios relacionados al producto Brother DCP-9020CDW en En promedio, la calificación de los usuarios para este producto es 4.4/5, al ser comparado con la calificación 4.2/5 de otros productos en la categoria productos en

94% de los comentarios en otorgan a este producto una calificación positiva.

Это резюме основано на товарах: Brother DCP-9020CDW - Impresora multifunción láser, color blanco/ grisBrother DCP-9020CDW - Impresora multifunción láser, color blanco/ gris

Мар, 2025

Обзор эксперта: : Simon Williams (

Brother DCP-9020CDW


This is the entry-level machine in Brother's range of business LED all-in-ones. It's aimed at the small office and includes duplex print as standard. It can be set up as a USB, network or wireless device.

Easy cartridge maintenance ; Quiet when printing ; Print from Android and iOS devices

No duplex scans ; Three-part consumables ; Hesitant duplex print

Brother’s DCP-9020CD is a good, toner-based page printer, offering features such as duplex print and a colour touchscreen that others in the same price range don’t offer.

Авг, 2015

Обзор эксперта: (

Brother DCP-9020CDW review

  (рейтинг скрыт)

Colour laser all-in-one printers used to come with a big price premium, but the Brother DCP-9020DW is one of the most affordable we've seen. It still packs in some advanced features, such as touchscreen controls, fast wi-fi and automatic two-sided...

Окт, 2015

Обзор эксперта: (Stiftung Warentest)

Brother DCP-9020CDW


Dieser Farblaser-Multi­funk­tions­drucker druckt Text in sehr guter, Fotos dagegen nur in mäßiger Qualität: Fotos wirken wenig räumlich und zeigen streifige Arte­fakte. Seine Drucke sind sehr wasser- und licht­beständig. Der verbaute Scanner arbeitet...

Qualitäts­urteil: gut (2,5) ; Drucken: gut (2,4) ; Scannen: gut (2,0) ; Kopieren: befriedigend (2,9) ; Tinten- oder Toner­kosten: befriedigend (2,7) ; Hand­habung: befriedigend (2,9) ; Vielseitig­keit: gut (2,3) ; Umwelt­eigenschaften: gut (2,2)

Обзор эксперта: (



Si tratta di una stampante laser multifunzione a colori senza funzionalità fax indipendente. Destinata all'utilizzo domestico e per piccoli uffici. Non possiamo prevedere come verrà questo modello nei test perché non ne abbiamo provato di simili o di...

Qualità media

Обзор эксперта: (

Brother DCP-9020CDW


Hmm. Misschien wel ooit geweest, maar in de huidige markt is de Brother DCP-9020CDW geen topper meer. De DCP-9020CDW is al wat langer op de markt, waardoor we de score hebben afgewaardeerd. Zo houden we de ranglijst met Multifunctions actueel. De...

Обзор пользователя (

Dropped Box


"Despite the above printer being dropped off the back of a delivery lorry approx 4 feet off the ground, the durability of the printed has proven to be very sturdy. We are enjoying some quality printing and the model responds very well to whatever is...

Авг, 2018

Обзор пользователя (

Brother 9020Cdw


I bought this recently and found the set up process easy. Purchased for wifi and double sided colour printing as well as copying and scanning properties. Happy so far and also printer had a special offer £50 cashback.

Июн, 2018

Обзор пользователя (

Faulty paper tray loader.


We brought this printer a month ago and was initially quite happy with the purchase, but soon realised every time you print it says to "load tray", but it's full of paper. We had the printer replaced and the new one does the same. Very disappointing...

Июн, 2018

Обзор пользователя (

Well worth the initial outlay


I've been a convert to laser printers for a few years now but after my last one died I purchased a DCP9020CDW, The first thing that I noticed was how easy it was to change the cartridges. All the cartridges are easily accessible, and just slot it -...

Май, 2018

Обзор пользователя (

Well worth the initial outlay


I've been a convert to laser printers for a few years now but after my last one died I purchased a DCP9020CDW, The first thing that I noticed was how easy it was to change the cartridges. All the cartridges are easily accessible, and just slot it -...

Май, 2018

Сравнение цен на Brother DCP-9020CDW

Для этого товара нет цен

Лучшие 5 Принтеры