Swissvoice Epure / Epure Duo / Epure TAM Cordless Phone

Swissvoice Epure / Epure Duo / Epure TAM Cordless Phone
alaScore 93

1158 обзоров

Мар, 2025

Сервисом alaTest было собрано и проанализировано 1158 обзоров для Swissvoice Epure / Epure Duo / Epure TAM Cordless Phone. Средняя оценка этого товара 3.9/5, в сравнении со средней оценкой 4.0/5 для других Беспроводные телефоны. Комментарии о надёжности и размере в целом положительные, надёжность и размер также высоко оценены.

удобстве использования, дизайна, размере, надёжности

Мы проанализировали оценки экспертов и пользователей, дату выпуска продукта и другие факторы. По сравнению с другими товарами из категории Беспроводные телефоны, Swissvoice Epure / Epure Duo / Epure TAM Cordless Phone получил alaScore™ 93/100 = Отличное качество!

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Обзор пользователя ( review summary for Swissvoice Epure / Epure Duo / Epure TAM Cordless Phone


alaTest has collected and analyzed 354 user reviews of Swissvoice Epure / Epure Duo / Epure TAM Cordless Phone from The average user rating for this product is 3.8/5, compared to an average user rating of 4.1/5 for other Cordless Phones on People are impressed by the reliability and size. The price and design are also appreciated.

usability, design, price, size, reliability

79% of the reviews on give this product a positive rating.

Мар, 2025

Обзор пользователя ( review summary for Swissvoice Epure / Epure Duo / Epure TAM Cordless Phone


alaTest has collected and analyzed 96 user reviews of Swissvoice Epure / Epure Duo / Epure TAM Cordless Phone from The average user rating for this product is 3.7/5, compared to an average user rating of 3.9/5 for other Cordless Phones on Reviewers are impressed by the reliability and price. The size and usability also get good feedback.

design, usability, size, price, reliability

75% of the reviews on give this product a positive rating.

Мар, 2025

Обзор пользователя (

Zusammenfassung der Kundenbewertungen für Swissvoice Epure / Epure Duo / Epure TAM Cordless Phone


alaTest hat 233 Kundenbewertungen für Swissvoice Epure / Epure Duo / Epure TAM Cordless Phone von zusammengefasst und analysiert. Im Durchschnitt wurde das Produkt mit 3.9/5 bewertet, verglichen mit einer durchschnittlichen Bewertung von 4.0/5 für andere Produkte in der Kategorie Schnurlose Telefone auf Die Zuverlässigkeit und die Größe wird von den Testern positiv bewertet. Die Bedienbarkeit wird ebenfalls positiv bewertet.

Bedienbarkeit, Größe, Design, Preisleistungsverhältnis, Zuverlässigkeit

81% der Kundenmeinungen auf bewerten dieses Produkt positiv.

Мар, 2025

Обзор пользователя (

Résumé des avis d’ sur Swissvoice Epure / Epure Duo / Epure TAM Cordless Phone


alaTest a collecté et analysé 84 avis de consommateurs sur pour le produit Swissvoice Epure / Epure Duo / Epure TAM Cordless Phone. La note moyenne du produit est 4.0 sur 5, tandis que les autres Téléphones Fixes Sans Fil ont une note moyenne de 4.0 sur 5 sur

87% des avis sur donnent une note favorable à ce produit.

Это резюме основано на товарах: SwissVoice ePure HSCB Combiné supplémentaire BlancSwissVoice ePure HSCB Combiné supplémentaire Blanc

Мар, 2025

Обзор пользователя (

Risultato recensioni per Swissvoice Epure / Epure Duo / Epure TAM Cordless Phone


alaTest ha raccolto ed analizzato 212 recensioni utente su Swissvoice Epure / Epure Duo / Epure TAM Cordless Phone da La media della valutazione clienti per questo prodotto è 4.3/5, confrontata con la media della valutazione di 4.2/5 per altri Cordless su

95% di recensioni su attribuiscono a questo prodotto una valutazione positiva.

Мар, 2025

Обзор пользователя (

Resumen de comentarios en sobre Swissvoice Epure / Epure Duo / Epure TAM Cordless Phone


alaTest ha recogido y analizado 90 comentarios de usuarios relacionados al producto Swissvoice Epure / Epure Duo / Epure TAM Cordless Phone en En promedio, la calificación de los usuarios para este producto es 4.3/5, al ser comparado con la calificación 4.0/5 de otros productos en la categoria Telefonía Inalámbrica en

90% de los comentarios en otorgan a este producto una calificación positiva.

Мар, 2025

Обзор эксперта: : Edward Chester (

SwissVoice ePure CH01


Turn your mobile back into a great talking device with this stylish handset accessory.

Stylish and well built ; Genuinely improves call comfort and quality ; What features it does have work well

Lacks a keypad for dialling in numbers ; Base doesn't hangup/answer a call ; Suffers from constant beeps and whistles from phone signal

What the base doesn’t do, though, is interact with the handset in anyway. Pick up the handset when your phone’s ringing and it doesn’t connect the call. Put it down and it doesn’t end the call either. Both were features we missed having.

Авг, 2012

Обзор эксперта: : Ashleigh Allsopp (

Swissvoice ePure BH01i Bluetooth Station for iPhone review


Once paired, your device will automatically reconnect with the ePure when it is in range of the device, so it's not even necessary to take your iPhone out of your pocket if you choose not to. You can turn off this setting if you wish.

Overall, we think the ePure BH01i is a beautifully made and well thought out product that would suit an office environment or someone that finds using an iPhone for long phone calls uncomfortable. If you're just looking for a speaker dock, however, and...

Ноя, 2012

Обзор эксперта: (

Swissvoice ePure V2 with Answering Machine review

  (рейтинг скрыт)

The Swissvoice ePure V2 is a stylish cordless home phone that stands out from the crowd. The device has a built-in answering machine that can store 30 minutes of messages. But how clear are the recorded messages? Read on to find out.

Май, 2014

Обзор эксперта: (

Swissvoice ePure V2 review

  (рейтинг скрыт)

The Swissvoice ePure V2 is a stylish cordless home phone that stands out from the crowd. But what's the sound quality like and is the range good enough to use in large houses? Read on to find out.

Май, 2014

Обзор эксперта: (

Swissvoice ePure review

  (рейтинг скрыт)

The Swissvoice ePure is a stylish cordless phone. It looks far cooler than most everyday phones, but it takes more than just looks to impress us. To find out whether it will guarantee you great call quality and excellent battery life, we sent it off to...

Дек, 2013

Обзор эксперта: : Ashleigh Allsopp (

Swissvoice ePure BH01i Bluetooth Station for iPhone


Swissvoice's ePure Bluetooth station is several iPhone accessories rolled into one. It's a speaker, a charging dock, a Bluetooth handset and a way to access Siri without picking up your iPhone.

More comfortable for long phone calls; doubles as an impressive speaker; access Siri from the wireless handset; charges iPhone; looks stylish; compatible with iPhone 5

iPhone 5 users need an Apple adapter; better speaker functionality can be found cheaper elsewhere; some iPhone owners won’t see the need for such a device

Overall, we think the ePure BH01i is a beautifully made and well thought out product that would suit an office environment or someone that finds using an iPhone for long phone calls uncomfortable. If you’re just looking for a speaker dock, however, and...

Ноя, 2012

Обзор эксперта: : Ashleigh Allsopp (

Swissvoice ePure BH01i Bluetooth Station for iPhone review


Swissvoice's ePure Bluetooth station is several iPhone accessories rolled into one. It's a speaker, a charging dock, a Bluetooth handset and a way to access Siri without picking up your iPhone.

More comfortable for long phone calls; doubles as an impressive speaker; access Siri from the wireless handset; charges iPhone; looks stylish; compatible with iPhone 5

iPhone 5 users need an Apple adapter; better speaker functionality can be found cheaper elsewhere; some iPhone owners won't see the need for such a device

Overall, we think the ePure BH01i is a beautifully made and well thought out product that would suit an office environment or someone that finds using an iPhone for long phone calls uncomfortable. If you're just looking for a speaker dock, however, and...

Окт, 2012

Обзор эксперта: : Wolfgang Boos (

Swissvoice ePure


Das Design-DECT ist allenfalls als Zweittelefon zu gebrauchen - zu groß sind die Kompromisse bei der Handhabung.

Фев, 2011

Обзор эксперта: : CHIP Online (

Swissvoice ePure Bluetooth Station incelemesi Bu Bluetooth rahatlığını yaşamanız lazım.


Rahatlıkla kullanabileceğiniz, masanızın üzerinde şık görünüm sunacak bir Bluetooth'lu ahize.

Telefon görüşmelerinde konfor ; Hoparlör olarak kullanılabiliyor ; Telefonu şarj edebiliyor

Son aramayı geri arama yok

Май, 2013

Обзор эксперта: (

Swissvoice ePure


Hmm. Misschien wel ooit geweest, maar in de huidige markt is de Swissvoice ePure geen topper meer. De ePure is al wat langer op de markt, waardoor we de score hebben afgewaardeerd. Zo houden we de ranglijst met Huistelefoons actueel. De ePure heeft...

Een stijlvolle en handige manier om je mobiel in een huistelefoon te veranderen

Сравнение цен на Swissvoice Epure / Epure Duo / Epure TAM Cordless Phone

Для этого товара нет цен

Лучшие 5 Беспроводные телефоны