Nikon Travelite EX - Binoculars 8 x 25 - fogproof, waterproof - porro

Nikon Travelite EX - Binoculars 8 x 25 - fogproof, waterproof - porro
alaScore 89

74 обзоров

Мар, 2025

Сервисом alaTest было собрано и проанализировано 74 обзора для Nikon Travelite EX - Binoculars 8 x 25 - fogproof, waterproof - porro. Средняя оценка этого товара 4.8/5, в сравнении со средней оценкой 4.2/5 для других Бинокли. Обозревателям нравится надёжность и дизайн, размер и удобство использования также получили хорошие комментарии.

удобстве использования, размере, дизайна, надёжности

Мы проанализировали оценки экспертов и пользователей, дату выпуска продукта и другие факторы. По сравнению с другими товарами из категории Бинокли, Nikon Travelite EX - Binoculars 8 x 25 - fogproof, waterproof - porro получил alaScore™ 89/100 = Очень хорошее качество!

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Обзор пользователя ( review summary for Nikon Travelite EX - Binoculars 8 x 25 - fogproof, waterproof - porro


alaTest has collected and analyzed 49 user reviews of Nikon Travelite EX - Binoculars 8 x 25 - fogproof, waterproof - porro from The average user rating for this product is 4.8/5, compared to an average user rating of 4.4/5 for other Binoculars on People are impressed by the design and size. The price and usability are also appreciated.

usability, price, size, design

100% of the reviews on give this product a positive rating.

Мар, 2025

Обзор пользователя (

Zusammenfassung der Kundenbewertungen für Nikon Travelite EX - Binoculars 8 x 25 - fogproof, waterproof - porro


alaTest hat 12 Kundenbewertungen für Nikon Travelite EX - Binoculars 8 x 25 - fogproof, waterproof - porro von zusammengefasst und analysiert. Im Durchschnitt wurde das Produkt mit 4.8/5 bewertet, verglichen mit einer durchschnittlichen Bewertung von 4.2/5 für andere Produkte in der Kategorie Ferngläser auf Die Zuverlässigkeit und die Größe wird von vielen Testern gelobt. Über die Bedienbarkeit gibt es diverse Meinungen.

Größe, Preisleistungsverhältnis, Design, Zuverlässigkeit

100% der Kundenmeinungen auf bewerten dieses Produkt positiv.

Это резюме основано на товарах: Nikon 8X25 Travelite CF EX FernglasNikon 8X25 Travelite CF EX Fernglas

Мар, 2025

Обзор пользователя (

Fantastic very good binoculars


Very pleased with my purchase.. l love to watch the birds in my garden and these make it a pleasure

Июн, 2018

Обзор пользователя (

Fantastic very good binoculars


Very pleased with my purchase.. l love to watch the birds in my garden and these make it a pleasure

Июн, 2018

Обзор пользователя (



i have been looking for a reasonably priced pair of compact binoculars for a long time now,reading reviews , looking at whats on offer etc , Decided what i wanted to pay and looked what was available for the price, settled on these and WOW , im really...

Мар, 2018

Обзор пользователя (

Nikon travelite


As discribed,and very light and I like the fact that you can look through them with glasses on

Окт, 2017

Обзор пользователя (

Clear sharp images.


Had been looking for a quality pair of binoculars that were not too expensive for a long time. and I am thrilled with them.

Июн, 2017

Обзор пользователя (

Stunning Quality Binoculars


I bought these because my old 10x50's are getting a bit to heavy to carry now. I am amazed at the quality of these smaller bins. There is little or no distortion around the edge of the lens, thay are lightweight and quite simply a joy to use, They are...

Май, 2017

Обзор пользователя (

Highly Recommended


Lightweight,small easy-to-use binoculars with very good optics. Great for travelling/hiking.

Easy to Use

Июн, 2014

Обзор пользователя (

Highly Recommended


Lightweight,small easy-to-use binoculars with very good optics. Great for travelling\/hiking.

Easy to Use

Июн, 2014

Обзор пользователя (

Excellent value


These binoculars are bright and are easy to use, especially as they can be used with spectacles if needed. Being waterproof and nitrogen filled makes them good for walking, and at [$] are very good value.

Easy to Use","Excellent in Low Light","Great Resolution

Июн, 2012

Обзор пользователя (

Excellent value


These binoculars are bright and are easy to use, especially as they can be used with spectacles if needed. Being waterproof and nitrogen filled makes them good for walking, and at [$] are very good value.

Easy to Use ; Excellent in Low Light ; Great Resolution

Июн, 2012

Сравнение цен на Nikon Travelite EX - Binoculars 8 x 25 - fogproof, waterproof - porro

Для этого товара нет цен

Лучшие 5 Бинокли